A healthy smile requires more than regular brushing and flossing. Dental exams and cleanings are essential to protecting oral health and play an important role in general dentistry. General dentistry treatments are key to preventing dental damage and ensuring dental and gum health. Dentists David Kaffey and Mark Weinstein help keep patient's smiles healthy and beautiful with regular dental exams and cleanings. Contact our Lansdale, PA to schedule your next dental exam and cleaning.
What to Expect during a Dental Exam and Cleaning
Regular dental exams and cleanings should be performed at least every six months. When done regularly, dental exams and cleanings are painless and can help prevent the need for serious dental treatment. Dental exams and cleanings are generally performed during the same dental appointment.
During a general dental exam, the teeth are assessed for any signs of decay, fractures, or other signs of damage. Any existing dental restorations, like dental crowns or porcelain veneers, may be checked as well. The gums will also be assessed for gum disease and the tongue and other oral tissues may be observed for any infections or irregularities, like signs of oral cancer.
During a dental cleaning, a dentist or dental hygienist will thoroughly clean the teeth using a metal scraping tool, water pick, and suction tool. Tartar and plaque will be removed from the teeth, with special attention paid to the gum line and back teeth, which are hard to clean with regular brushing and flossing. The teeth will also be flossed and polished to complete the cleaning process.
The Benefits of Regular Dental Exams and Cleanings
Routine dental exams and cleanings have many benefits to oral health and dental function. Some of the many benefits include:
- Prevent plaque and tartar buildup: Plaque and tartar buildup increase the risk of gum disease, a serious oral health problem. Regularly cleanings help prevent plaque and tartar buildup, protecting the teeth and gums from gum disease and its complications.
- Catch oral health problems early: Regular dental exams allow dental problems to be detected before serious damage occurs, protecting your oral health and preventing the need for painful and costly dental treatments.
- Protect the teeth from damage and loss: Tooth decay, dental damage, and gum disease can all lead to tooth loss. Regular dental exams and cleanings help prevent many oral health issues and catch problems early, protecting the teeth from serious damage and loss.
- Saves money on dental treatment: Those who practice preventative oral care with regular dental exams and cleanings are less likely to require serious dental treatment, helping to save money and time in the long run.
- Could be lifesaving: Regular dental exams can help catch oral cancer early. Catching oral cancer early, when it's most easily treatable, could be lifesaving.
Enjoy a Healthy Smile
It's never too late to begin on the path to a healthy smile. To schedule a dental exam and cleaning, or to learn more about your treatment options, we invite you to contact Dr. Kaffey or Dr. Weinstein today.